What is Acupuncture?
Modern acupuncture treatments use sterile, single use, stainless steel needles, gently inserted into the skin, to elicit a healing response. Many modern acupuncturists both in China and Western countries, practice acupuncture based in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you would like to know more about TCM please look here. My training was based in TCM, at the New Zealand School of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In addition to TCM, there are many forms and styles of acupuncture. I practice using many Japanese styles, based around very small needles, and gentle responses. Occasionally it is beneficial to elicit a stronger response, which patients often describe as a slight “jolt of energy." Once the needles are in, the treatment should be painless, comfortable, and relaxing.
Often people feel significant benefits, even after just one treatment. For some ailments, a few treatments may be necessary.
How can Acupuncture help?
I have used acupuncture to treat the following conditions, with most patients seeing positive results after one or two sessions.
Knee pain
Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
Lower back pain
Neck pain
Digestive problems
Frozen shoulder
Labor pain
Menstrual cramps
Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis
Tennis elbow
Dental pain
Facial tension and pain
Symptoms that are hard to describe, but leave a person feeling ‘unbalanced,’ ‘disconnected,’ ‘uneasy,’ ‘off, or ‘not like myself.’
How to prepare for a session and what to expect.
If it is your first session, please arrive 5 minutes early to fill out initial paperwork. Also if possible, please wear comfortable and loose fitting clothing. It is advisable to eat a small meal at least an hour before the session.